Freshman year at Azusa Pacific was probably one of the best years of my life. Not only did I meet the most amazing people, including my best friend Sam, but I also met my future husband, Joey, that year. It was a whole new phase of my life- far away from home, not knowing a single person, adventure, freedom, curiosity, growth. It's almost impossible for me to explain how much I grew as not only a person, but spiritually, emotionally, and mentally. I felt like I matured very quickly after being put in such a big, new situation. It amazed me to see tons and tons of people my age that were worshipping in chapel and then keeping that same kind of environment

Sophomore year was definitely a bit different. I would have to say it was the absolute worst year of my life. Why you might ask? ROOMMATES. Oh how I should have payed attention to the tell-tale signs of those two...but not that that would have really mattered. I never knew that girls could be so mean- all for NO REASON. It was a year of balancing my first serious relationship and my best friend, which is what started the whole thing. I never did a single thing to them, not one thing.....but for some reason, they chose to make my life a living hell even after my best friend moved out to do her LA term. Throughout the whole situation, I learned that well, girls are evil. haha. but most importantly I learned that true friends can work through anything and then they just become 20 times closer. As for the two other girls, who were absolutely miserable in their own lives, I still to this day do not know why they treated me so cruel and constantly did things to make my life miserable as throwing away my toothbrush, talking about me 24/7 while I was in the house, glaring at me every time I come and go, telling me I'm an awful roommate who doesnt deserve their own room, etc. I don't even remember the worst of what they said and did because it was so painful I tried to push it out of my mind. that was my second year of college....very much different than my first AMAZING year...but hey, God got me through it and to end the year, I got engaged to the love of my life. Oh....and of course they glared at that.
Senior year was closer to Freshman year than the second year, but definitely wasn't the same at all. It was a fun, relaxing year, being my last, but it still had its little glitches. It was definitely the most stressful year because I was trying to graduate early, so all of my classes were a lot to deal with. I took 21 hours the first semester and 19 the was nuts, but I'm sooo proud of myself for doing it. I had some wonderful roommates Dani and Ashley
The end of my last year at APU was not only emotional, but exciting. It was amazing to have the excitement of the wedding coming up, the excitement of returning home, and really the excitement of my college career coming to an end. It was kind of crazy trying to think of the end of college....and wondering what I would do and how it went by so fast. I had always thought I'd feel so different...but I guess when you grow up, you don't really notice it's still you. I wouldn't change a single thing about my college career because I know even the lowest points were what made me stronger and changed my life for the better. Being at school in California made me really understand who I was, what I believed, and how much I really, truly loved home in Georgia. If someone had told me I was going to go to college in California, I would have never believed them, but now, it just seems so normal- my other life, that it's crazy to remember thinking of it being a big deal. I just know that I am so thankful that I had the opportunity, from my parents, to experience such a different life, to meet amazing people, and to learn from people who believed like me. I am beyond blessed for all the opportunities it brought my way and for how it changed my life forever.
So wonderful to read an overview of your whole college experience! It's neat to see how each year taught you something different and made you who you are today. Love it!!