After that, however, the evening was beyond weird. Blue October came on and they are (no offense) the strangest band I've ever heard. I did not like their music at all. I decided after seeing the lead singer that he must have experienced something very traumatic as a child and his singing career was merely an outward expression of his personal diary. He acted like a mental patient! I'm sorry, but if you like guys who wear eye liner and scream and complain about how sucky life is, you must have had the worst of everything. Besides that, there was a guy right in front of me who was super strange- one of those guys who probably has never talked to a girl, who wore a black t-shirt that said "Let me into your mind" and put a black bandanna over the bottom half of his face. He danced like someone who seriously needs to get out more....and shook his nasty, long hair back and forth which made me nervous about what I couldn't see going into my drink. It was really frustrating and everyone stared at him.
Then, to my right, we had a couple- guy and girl who were (according to the decision of others around me) clearly on Ecstasy, and dancing all over each other like the people do in one of those really weird plays. The looks on their faces were definitely new to me, and it made me wonder if they would even make it home safely. The band seemed to play on and on forever and I was ready to after I heard the first sentence he sang- or you could even say after Switchfoot was done. The night was really much more eventful than this, but I can't imagine writing about such disturbing details. WOW. I will never ever again go to a concert of a band that I have never even heard of, despite the fact their opening act is one of my faves. Last night also made me realize why I don't hang out with random people I don't know--at least, normally.....you never know what people are going to do. Oh well...now I know better. 'Til next time....