When the appointment finally arrived, I was soooo anxious and nervous to see what our daughter looked like and how she would have features that we could actually see, that my poor stomach was in knots. To be able to share the experience with my family was incredible. To see our daughters gorgeous face, with sweet eyes, a nose, ears, precious lips and to experience yawns and smiles was absolutely amazing.
Unfortunately, I didn't have a coke to get Hartley excited and on the move, so I brought chocolate in my purse just in case she wasn't very active. All morning she kicked and punched and tumbled, but by the time she was due to appear on screen, she got a little shy. Hartley kept her hands in front of her face for most of the session and I had to down two squares of chocolate quickly in hopes that she would move them. She even kept her foot up in front of her face too! haha. Silly girl. Well, the chocolate helped a little bit and we were able to get a few shots of her sweet face. I can't stop staring at the pictures and dreaming about her actually being in my arms for the first time and looking at me in the eyes. In less than three months, I'll be holding our sweet little angel.