A few weeks ago we went to the doctor for my 19th week check up. It was the week he was going to tell us the sex of the baby and we were ecstatic. The morning started off all wrong....as we drove to the doctor's office and waited for them to unlock the door as we were the first appointment of the day. Then, we noticed there was a sign on the door that they had moved--and I'm thinking, excuse me? Thanks for telling me that my doctor has moved elsewhere. I knew that I'd be late to my appointment and this was not the day to be late. So, luckily, they had only moved one street over, but......we could not figure out which building it was because there was no sign. UGH! Finally, we found what we thought was right and Joey ran in and checked. Ding ding ding! I was already in a bad mood being late, since I'm NEVER late to anything. We ended up waiting a good twenty-five minutes before we were called back for the ultrasound. I was soooo nervous laying there, preparing to find out what our baby was going to be. A good thirty minutes of her rubbing that stupid machine on my belly and.....nothing. She said she could not tell because of the position she was in. Then, to my disturbing surprise, she says "well...I have another appointment, but if you have to talk to your doctor, i'll try to bring you back in." UGGGHHH! Can you believe that? Well...I talked to my doctor for a bit and the nurse was sweet enough to offer me my one and only craving- Coca Cola! Baby got super hyper off that caffeine and as we went back into the ultrasound room I prayed for an answer. Pictures were taken and parts were labeled. Finally- and I mean after beating around the bush and never actually coming out and saying "IT's a GIRL!!" she kind of mumbled "i'm thinking it's a girl...." So anywho, not the best experience....or at all what I imagined, but we are super happy. We thought for sure it was a boy, but wow will I never believe anything I read again. Here are some pictures of our little Hartley!!!!