I just recently turned the big 21 and still cannot get over how amazing it was, thanks to my wonderful fiancee' Joey, and all of my friends. I started out the day before my birthday by finding out something I wasn't supposed to know. I found out that I would be riding (for the first time ever) in a limo on the night of my birthday to Barney's Beanery. Joey was very upset that the surprised was ruined, but I tried to cheer him up and say that it only meant more to me now and that I soooo excited. After that, we decided, or I should say, I suggested that we go see a movie- and of course it would be a scary one. Joey actually agreed to go see My Bloody Valentine with me and I was not disappointed, even considering how rediculously hilarious the movie was. You know a horror movie is bad when it makes you laugh.
After the movie was over, there were only a few hours to kill before it turned 12am- my birthday. Joey said he wanted to take me out to get my first drink, which got me really excited for the weekend ahead. I ordered a Cosmopolitan, which is deliciously yummy! Strangely, the bar/restaurant we went to closed on a Friday night at 1230. I thought that was lame. But anywho.....I came home and relaxed a bit before I headed to bed. I woke up at 8 am for some unknown reason and wondered why I heard my roommates awake, but I didn't think anything of it and of course, decided to go back to sleep. I woke up at about 10 to the smell of a wonderful breakfast that my roomies had made just for me. It was the start of a wonderful day.
I got all dressed up in a cute blue, ruffled, dressy top from Target (my fave store in the world), and some jeans and boots. My amazing best friend Sam, who is now on her way to Jordan to study abroad, (I know....crazy....and I'm going to miss her too much!), took me to get an amazing spa pedicure and to lunch at the Corner Bakery....yummm delicious! After that, we decided that we had some time to kill before we'd get ready for my party, so we went to Target. We ended up killing about an hour and coming home about 2 hours before time to leave. I was so excited that I wanted to get ready asap, and put on my new red dress (I've never worn red- weird. =P).
The minutes actually passed quickly and it was time to meet everyone at the limo. Joey told me he had gotten a call from the limo driver and he had told him he was being upgraded, but I still didn't know what to expect. After waiting a few minutes, all of the sudden, a beautiful, black Hummer Limo pulled in. I seriously freaked out. I mean, I've never been in a limo, but to ride for the first time in a HUMMER limo!? WOah. Yeah, I have the best Fiancee' ever! We arrived at Barney's Beanery and enjoyed some drinks and food. Then, we decided to go to a second place called Wakano's. It was such an amazing night. I'm so thankful to Joey and to my friends- they made my birthday so amazing.
Yay for being 21!!!